Thursday, June 18, 2015


Sign the petition! We need 419, 582 more people!

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Thank You!

Thanks for viewing thee Play Wild Beta blog! Hope to see you around! :D

Buying Animals

This is what the inventory looked like.

The animals costed sapphires. In the begining of the game, you would get a lot but once you ran out, you couldn't get more.

If you wanted to switch animals, you would go here.

Dens, Camera + More

The dens weren't like the beta dens in the AJ Beta. They were just like the ones in AJ today.

The Dance Party and Tea Party were the only parties in the beta.

One of my favorite parts of the PWB, was the camera you could use.

Den Items

Here is what some den items looked like and how some of them costed.

JAGs and Trading

The JAGs in Play Wild Beta, didn't have any words on them and had few stamps.

Trading looked like this.

This is also what it looked like when you would put something on trade.



The world was very different. Here is a picture of Jam Mart Clothing.

Hot Cocoa Hut..

Jam Mart Furniture

Jamaa Township


Sarepia Forest..
And finally the world map.

Glitches and The Loading Screen

The loading screen was way different when you first logged on and when you went to another world.

An animal fact would pop up if you went to your den or a world like Crystal Sands.

When you first open the android version on Play Wild, this will pop up then this:

After that you can log in and hello loading screen.

Some cool and kind of iratating glitches were also on Play Wild Beta. If you stepped in the water in Crystal Sands, it would look like the whole place was flooded!

I can fly! XD
When you first made an account it would look like this.

The only animals in PWB, were bunnies, monkeys, and wolves.

Friday, May 8, 2015

Animal Colors and Patterns

There was a lot of colors you could use to design your animal in Play Wild

There wasn't a lot of patterns or eye design to choose from though. 

Thee eyes were really creative don't you think?

Thursday, May 7, 2015


Hey everyone! I enjoyed making the Animal Jam Beta Days (here) blog so this time I'm blogging about the Play Wild Beta Days. Enjoy!